GMAT Format

The GMAT is an internationally conducted test that is accepted across many institutions across the world. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it is the Graduate Management Admissions Test or GMAT for short and is conducted by GMAC.

The GMAT is mostly taken by people who wish to study business degrees like the MBA or MIM/MSM.

What is tested?

There are 4 types of sections on the GMAT:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment or AWA
  • Integrated Reasoning or IR
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning

GMAT Sections

AWA 1 task 30 minutes
IR 1 section, 12 Questions 30 minutes
Quantitative Reasoning 1 section, 31 Questions Each 62 minutes
Verbal Reasoning 1 section, 36 Questions Each 65 minutes



This section tests your ability to:

  • Critically analyze complex ideas
  • Effectively verify claims and corresponding evidence
  • Coherently communicate thoughts with reasons and examples
  • Effectively use grammar and standard elements of English

Quantitative Reasoning

There are two types of questions in this section:

  • Problem Solving
  • Data Sufficiency

The syllabus for the GMAT quant section is basic school level math.



GMAT Quant Syllabus

·         Number Properties ·         Statistics
·         Fractions, Decimals & Percentages ·         Algebra
·         Speed, Rate & Time ·         Word Problems
·         Geometry ·         Data Analysis


The GMAT quant syllabus is comprised mostly of basic concepts of the above topics. While the concepts in and end of themselves are simple, the difficulty level of the questions varies.

Verbal Reasoning

There are three types of questions in this section:

  • Sentence Correction
  • Critical Reasoning
  • Reading Comprehension


The main objective of this section is to test your reading and analytical ability. There are many different subcategories of the above question types, some of which can be very tricky.

Download one of our study plans to see what you can do to master all these question types.

For any further details, kindly feel free to contact us using the contact form on our home page.

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